If I am 110 years old then what year was I born?

You were born in 1914 or 1913

If you are 110 years old then you were born in 1914 or 1913 if you haven't had your birthday yet

How to calculate born year?

When you're trying to figure out the year someone was born based on their age, unfortunately it isn't as simple as just minusing the persons age from the current year, though this is an easy way to get their approximate year of birth.

Just minusing someone's age from the current year doesn't take into account whether they have already had their birthday this year or not. To do that what you need to do is minus an additional one year if they haven't had their birthday this year.

Born year formula when the person has had their birthday this year

\[Born Year = Current Year - Age\]
\[1914 = 2024 - 110\]

Born year formula when the person has not had their birthday yet this year

\[Born Year = Current Year - Age - 1\]
\[1913 = 2024 - 110 - 1\]

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